Paul Keeble: Going the Distance: 25 years of Urban Presence (William Temple Foundation Urban Tract, Nov 2021)
Free download. "Keeble argues passionately for the importance of long-term, ‘incarnational’ presence in inner city neighbourhoods, as opposed to short-term and episodic ministry from a distance."
Derek Purnell: Speaking the Unspeakable: Who Cares about the Working Classes (Manchester: Urban Presence, 2013)
Now out of print, but a PDF version is available. Email Derek for more details. Read an excerpt here.
Paul Keeble: Mission With: something out of the ordinary (Watford: Instant Apostle, 2017)
Available from Amazon (print or e-book), Eden or direct from Paul for £5.50 UK posted. "A very helpful reflection on the scope of mission, the significance of place, the dynamics of vocation and experience over decades in Manchester." Stuart Murray-Williams, Urban Expression.
We also contributed chapters to these books. (*Out of print, but we may be able to find copies. Email for details.)
Faithfulness in the City. Edited by John Vincent (Hawarden: Monad Press, 2003)*
Urban Presence: Derek Purnell |
Urban Church: A Practitioner's Resource Book. Edited by Michael Eastman and Steve Latham (London, SPCK, 2004)*
Gang Violence: Paul Keeble Urban Mission: Derek Purnell |
Going the Distance: 25 Years of Urban Presence is the second in a series of Urban Tracts being published online by the William Temple Foundation. Read the first, Urban Mission 40 years on by Greg Smith here.
UK Urban Mission is a new web portal for resources, history and exploration of Christian Mission in British cities curated by Greg Smith of the William Temple Foundation in consultation with Paul, Erica Dunmow, Stuart Murray-Williams and others. The aim is to provide a gateway to all of the best resources and ideas for urban mission and ministry in the UK in the 21st Century. This is a big task and we expect the site to keep growing as more material is added. We are on the lookout for relevant organisations, literature, resources, historical information. If you have or know of content that should be on the site, please send an email.